About Me


My name is Carrie Brown and I’m a blogger and social media influencer from Melbourne, Australia. In 2014, I created Being a Woman, a lifestyle destination that inspires a worldwide audience to live a stylish and adventurous life.

I should probably start with why do I blog? Ever since the early days of MySpace or LiveJournal (does anyone else remember?!), I’ve always been apart of platforms that allowed me to express how I felt – whether it was about my day, something I bought or or was loving. My heart leaps with excitement when someone tags me wearing a dress they purchased because of me or visited a travel destination I’ve shared. Maybe it has all stemmed from my dream of working at a magazine. I love the process of creating a story with beautiful imagery, setting a mood and reading how the audience responds to it.

I am as obsessed about a full passport as I am about finding the perfect pair of jeans. I want to see every part of the world and inspire you to do the same. I write for the woman who aims to be the best version of themselves.

So now that you’ve heard my story, I feel like we’re kind of internet BFFs? I’d love to know you too. Come join the community!

What I’ve Been Up To